One of the projects I wanted to tackle this year was to make something (foodie) each week. I wasn't sure what I wanted to make until I was trolling Pinterest at 3am one morning. (Yay, insomnia!) And so, I give you The Year of the Popsicle! You can find all of my popsicle pins here. There will be creamsicles, icy pops, boozy pops and more. First up is the Greek yogurt lime creamsicles. I used the Norpro Ice Pop Maker, which came with the sticks and it worked like a charm.
1 3/4 cup of milk
1 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup lime juice
1 small container of Chobani Greek Yogurt
lime zest (optional)
Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. It does take a bit of mixing to incorporate the condensed milk. Pour into mold, insert sticks and let freeze up to 4 hours. To unmold, run under warm water until the popsicle comes free of mold.
These turned out great. They were creamy and had the perfect amount of lime flavor to them. Next time I may try using Yoplait instead of the Chobani yogurt. You could also swap out the milk for almond or soy milk.
Yes, it's been sub zero around here. But I'm enjoying these while I pretend I'm somewhere warm.